Faith Filled Family Magazine January 2017 | Page 15

need to talk .” Once you have already established an romantic relationship with someone , those feelings will always be dormant . Sure , feelings change , people grow apart , and we discover that the person we once thought was meant to be our lifelong love is now a stranger . However , even though you may have had an epiphany and realized they are not “ the one ,” that person will not or can not ever be just a friend .
Upon many different reasons for why these relationships may threaten the marriage union , three will be examined . First , when communicating with an ex boyfriend or girlfriend , old feelings resurface . Second , often times when talking with an ex you will discuss private , intimate matters , and such conversations should only be discussed with your husband or wife . Lastly , this old boyfriend or girlfriend is called an ex for a reason . They are in the past .
No matter if you have been broken up for a month , a year , five years , or ten years , once you have had a romantic relationship with a person , those feelings will always lie dormant . Conversing with an ex allows for memories , old sparks and and flames begin to rekindle regardless of the topics you are discussing . And why is it , that the traits that made the relationship not work when you were committed to that person do not seem to be relevant anymore ? For example , that man that didn ’ t seem so attentive before is listening to your problems now . Or that woman that was nagging or demanding really doesn ’ t seem that needy this time . So you see , now that you are not in an exclusive relationship with that person , they may seem more appealing this time through . This rekindles that
flame , and before you realize , your emotions are starting to stray from your husband or wife .
Next , often times when we discuss issues , we become vulnerable and sensitive . Say if we are discussing private matters with another person , especially an ex , we begin to expose ourselves to a vulnerable state . There are conversations that should only be held with and kept exclusive to your husband or wife . That vulnerability is reserved for them , not a person outside of the vows of your marriage .
Lastly , your relationship with your ex remains in the past and that is the

Being “ Just Friends ” Won ’ t Hurt My Marriage !