Faith Filled Family Magazine December 2016 | Page 91

F or so many of us, life has become a juggling act. On any given day, we negotiate a multitude of responsibilities: family, church, work, etc. Overwhelmed, stressed and frustrated, we procrastinate. At best, we may find ourselves apologizing for promises we could not keep and find ourselves dealing with the disappointments and anger left in the wake of our fumbles. At worst, our lives and even our bodies pay the penalty. We forget to eat properly, sleep properly, or address aches and pains vying for our attention. As a result, we end up in bed, the hospital or even a coffin. Our faith, family, friendships and bodies become casualties of our inability to prioritize. This conflict is perfectly illustrated in a poem entitled “No Time To Pray.” I went before the Lord, I came, I stood with downcast eyes. For in his hands God held a book; It was the book of life. mandments, we can confidently extrapolate where we should place our priorities. After freedom from slavery in Egypt, the children of Israel prepared to embark on their new God looked into his book and life into the land God had promsaid ised them. Before they could ask “Your name I cannot find. themselves, “How should we live I once was going to write it once we get there?” God providdown... ed some answers for them with But never found the time” his issuance of The Ten Commandments. Let’s take a look at Though we may question the the first four: conclusion of the poem, the premise is incontrovertible. Too Priority Number 1 often we find ourselves torn between what appears urgent and .You shall have no other Gods what appears important.1 When before me. we don’t prioritize, we reap the bitter harvest. This dilemma sug.You shall not make idols. gests that we haven’t answered two critical questions: What should our priorities be? How do .You shall not take the name No Time to Pray (Author Anony- we make that determination? of the Lord thy God in vain. mous) With the bible as our manual for .Remember the Sabbath day I knelt to pray but not for long, living, we have to look no further to keep it holy. I had too much to do. than the book of Exodus. If we I had to hurry and get to work carefully examine the Ten Com- Each of these four commandFor bills would soon be due. So I knelt and said a hurried prayer, And jumped up off my knees. My Christian duty was now done My soul could rest at ease. All day long I had no time To spread a word of cheer. No time to speak of Christ to friends, They’d laugh at me I’d fear. No time, no time, too much to do, That was my constant cry, No time to give to souls in need But at last the time, the time to die. 1 2 3 4