Faith Filled Family Magazine December 2016 | Page 88

painful experience.” I have held the hand and wept tears with a number of women who have been wounded by their husband’s infidelity. Many marriages do not survive this kind of betrayal. But to the wife who resolves to forgive her husband, I have seen incredible healing. When the husband shows true repentance for his sinful actions (this also includes addiction to pornography), and seeks help from godly counselors, a wife may be willing to give the marriage another chance. She just might find the marriage is healed and even more loving than before the betrayal. If you find yourself in this type of a situation, I strongly urge you to seek out godly counsel from a pastor, biblical counselor and maybe even a trusted, older, Titus 2 woman you know. Children are a blessing but they definitely bring added stress into a marriage. What are some practical ways a wife can put her marriage first and resist the temptation to always put the children first? Your children’s security lies in the health of your marriage relationship. When you learn to live with your sights upon God’s calling on your life—to know Christ and make Christ known—this will influence how you live at home. Putting your children’s needs before your husband’s will not only cause your husband to feel less valued by you, it will also create insecurity in your children. It will also put undue strain on your relationship with your kids when they come to understand your How can women resist playmisplaced priority. ing the “blame game” when things go wrong in their marGod intends you to live in a man- riage? What are some ways ner that draws your kids to Christ we can take responsibility? in good times and in difficult seasons. When your children realize I think human nature causes all that your priority relationship (af- of us to try and turn the blame ter your relationship with Christ) to someone else–right? I mean is your relationship with your look at Adam after they ate the husband, you actually make fruit in the Garden. On that day your children feel safe. God asked him, “Who told you that you were naked?” Even when your kids try to pit you against one another so they Adam’s immediate response can get their way, if you choose was to blame Eve and God for the side of your child, you will his sinful actions. What I see in chip away at the foundation of this biblical account is that as their security. soon as sin entered into Adam’s heart, it broke his fellowship with In 18 years of youth ministry we his Creator. No longer did he observed the number one thing walk with God in the cool of the that drove kids away from Christ day–rather in shame he was hidwas the hypocrisy they observed ing. in their Christian parents. When we have unconfessed Remember that your genuine sin in our lives, it most certainly love for the Lord—no matter sends us hiding from intimacy how happy or trying your mar- with our Creator. Just like Adam, riage may be—will do far more when we don’t walk near to the to draw your kids to Christ than Lord, we turn on the very one we any words you can ever say to love the most. them. It is important to take responsiWhatever trials you encounter, bility for our actions, even when if your kids see you and your we are hormonal, postpartum, husband united in purpose to or have a migraine headache. display Jesus’ character in your When you learn to own your own relationship to one another, they contribution to conflict in marwill come to understand that riage, you will be on the right your relationship with Jesus re- path to building a no regrets ally is the answer to all of life’s marriage. problems. Toward the end of the book If your husband is not a Chris- you give practical action tian, do not fret. God can shine steps for women to use in orbrightly to your children when der to continue in their quest they observe you displaying hon- of having a happier marriage. or to the Lord in how you relate One of the things you stress is to your unbelieving husband. to pray, pray, pray. Talk about