Faith Filled Family Magazine December 2016 | Page 87

two of you can enjoy some intimate time, your husband may not realize his lack of help in the kitchen or getting the kids to bed does nothing to endear him to you. But if you do not explain in a rational manner how much you feel loved when he helps, then he will likely never get it. No more of thinking, “If he loved me he would know what I need.” He doesn’t know. You get to teach him. So, love him enough to tell him what you need. Then love him enough to forgive him when he forgets or doesn’t measure up to your expectations. struggle with self-worship. In this state of self-love, we are susceptible to think, “I deserve for my husband to put my needs above his own.” But we often neglect to have the same mindset toward the way we minister to our husband’s needs. The only way to guard against having a distorted sense of love and self-worth is to have a healthy personal relationship with Jesus. When you determine to find your joy in Christ, you will be set free from keeping track of who is making more sacrifices for the relationship. Loving Christ with all of your being is the key. It’s not about focusing on “how can I be more selfless.” Rather, when we fix our eyes on Jesus and are capYour book helps women un- tivated by His love, then He is derstand how closely related free to love through us with His our marriages are to our re- selfless love. This kind of serving lationship with the Lord. You love spills out of our hearts and help us see that ministering onto those around us. And it is to our husband’s needs (even not a doormat type of thing. No, when we feel ours are being it is following Jesus’ example of neglected), is living a life in washing the disciples’ feet. godly worship. But it is not an easy thing to do. How impor- How can a wife arrive at a tant is it to be selfless in mar- place of “unconditional reriage and to put our husband’s spect” for her husband when she feels he is undeserving of needs above our own? God created you with a need her respect? What are some to be loved and feel significant. practical ways she can begin But He never intended you to right where she is? fulfill those desires through mar- Just as deeply as wives long to riage. Rather He wants to fulfill be loved without condition, husthe longings of your heart with bands desire to receive unconditional respect from their wives. It Himself. is God who made us with these The problem is that sin stole unique longings. Women tend to away mankind’s desire for in- nurture and mother the people timacy with the Creator. And they care about. But your husnow, because of your sin—and band doesn’t need a mom. He mine—we focus on self and wants a wife who believes in him, Spending the rest of our married lives helping each other learn how show love to each other is the mark of a healthy marriage. relies on him, and celebrates his accomplishments. When a man feels disrespected by his wife he tends to pull away and not show her the love she craves. When a wife does not feel loved by her husband she will respond by being disrespectful to her husband. All it takes is one person in the marriage to make the first move toward meeting the other’s Godgiven need. My husband and I have watched failing marriages turn around when a wife determines to obey God’s mandate to show her husband unconditional respect. Practically, showing your husband respect means: • Don’t correct him in front of the children • Don’t talk about him behind his back to your kids or to others • Celebrate his accomplishments and tell him what you respect about his success • Don’t bring up his mistakes. Men learn from their mistakes, but a wife who respects her husband by not demeaning or embarrassing him is a wife a husband will certainly treasure. What would you say to the woman who has experienced the ultimate betrayal of infidelity in her marriage due to her husband’s poor choices? What hope would you say there is for restoration? How can she begin to love her husband again after such heartbreak? First off, I would say, “I am so very sorry yo u have endured this