Faith Filled Family Magazine December 2016 | Page 74

possible. Afterwards you’ll have more peace in the home and everyone can focus on productive pursuits. That is, after all, what we want for our families, isn’t it? (Sidebar) If the Method Doesn’t Work Okay, you’ve given it a few weeks, you’ve been handing out the chores, but the behavior hasn’t changed. See if any of the following might apply: that will bless the household, but which they DO NOT LIKE to do. 1. The chores are too easy. (How can you tell? The kids don’t balk or make a face when they pull one out and read it. They don’t drag their feet to do it, or complain.) If this is the case, write out new ones. You know your kids. Give them work that is real work, 2. You’ve been inconsistent about using the jar. If this is the case, get militant about it. You want your family life to be peaceful and serene—not filled with strife. As soon as your children realize you mean business, they will react accordingly. 3. One child gets chores a lot more than the other. Does one child seem more innocent? Conversely, does one get all the work while the other goes scot free? I used to say to my (protestingof-innocence- daughter) that “it takes two to tango.” Meaning, It takes two to have an argument. Give chores to both, no matter who started it, and soon they’ll be equally happy to forgo the squabble. Linore Rose Burkard was raised in New York, where she graduated from the City University with a magna cum laude degree in English Literature. She wrote a trilogy of genuine regency romances for the Christian market before there were any regencies for the Christian market. Published with Harvest House, her books opened up the genre for the CBA. She also writes YA Suspense/Apocalyptic fiction as L.R. Burkard. Married with five children, she still home-schools her youngest daughter, preferably with coffee in one hand and an iPad in the other. Her latest PULSE EFFEX SERIES, takes readers into a landscape where “faith and grit must triumph in a world gone dark.” One reviewer says it’s a “chilling possible future for America.”