Faith Filled Family Magazine December 2016 | Page 16

Who Is God? What is He Like? Sheryl Giesbrecht Delves Into Experiencing God Through His Names Exodus 20:24 (Message version) reads ‘Every place where I cause my Name to be honoured in your worship, I’ll be there myself and bless you.’ BY HELEN MURRAY Prayer: Heavenly Father I honour your Name, I bless your Name, I praise your Name. I pray for your wisdom, discipline and insight as I embark on the journey of knowing You by your Names. Lord, I want to experience You more. Thank you for your willingness in allowing me to find You. Amen. So begins Sheryl Giesbrecht’s book on experiencing God through His names. Have you ever known someone by a nickname? That name probably told you much about their character as it was ‘perpetrated’ because of a significant behaviour of that person. Some people never want their nickname known as it was not flattering. Sheryl Giesbrecht has struck a major chord by writing on knowing the Lord by His names, as they describe His behaviour towards us, and such knowledge becomes an intimate thing, and very personal. The pronouncing of that name confirms and