Faith Filled Family Magazine December 2016 | Page 11

John 15:12 “ This is my commandment : Love each other in the same way I have loved you ”. ( NLT )
Everyone experiences conflict in their life . Situations arise at work , among friends , and even at home . Some forms of commotion can aggravate the strains amongst the people in those relationships until tempers flare and conflict rises so much that even the strongest of Christian love
and communication can become susceptible to struggle .
Many areas stir controversy within the Christian home . These may be areas within a family , or areas between husband and wife . Let ’ s consider the typical struggles of relationships between marital couples such as : expectations , friends , personalities , and religion . Have any of these ever become a subject of discussion for you and your spouse ? For those families with children , there are chores , entertainment and relatives who become a noticeably larger part of your life with kids involved . Of course , then there is the one conflict that crosses both of these barriers – money .
All of these conflicts are sure to add stress to a marriage and a family . What happens when the broader family aspect occurs . People can get hurt by words , actions , and sometimes simply by a moment- A moment you were unaware of that just caused offense , tears , or the stomach to tighten .
In the end , any type of pain caused by either the person or the situation leaves a lasting need to give or receive forgiveness- to let go of the hurt . It ’ s not easy to let go of hurt though . Some people will say , “ I will forgive you , but I will not forget what you have done .” Others describe forgiveness as a way to move past something that affects two or more people . The only way to move past anything though is by simply forgiving . Is this why we forgive ? Is forgiveness for us , or
the people being forgiven ? Does God want us to forgive , or is this a choice we have to make- to decide to forgive ?
Book of Ephesians , Chapter 4 , Verses 20-32 states , “ That , however , is not the way of life you learned when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus . You were taught , with regard to your former way of life , to put off your old self , which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires ; to be made new in the attitude of your minds ; and to put on the new self , created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness . Therefore , each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor , for we are all members of one body . “ In your anger do not sin .” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry , and do not give the devil a foothold . Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer , but must work , doing something useful with their own hands , that they may have something to share with those in need . Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths , but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs , that it may benefit those who listen . And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God , with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption . Get rid of all bitterness , rage and anger , brawling and slander , along with every form of malice . Be kind and compassionate to one another , forgiving each other , just as in Christ God forgave you .” ( NIV )
Why should we forgive ? As the verse says , “ Forgive as Christ God forgave you .” Therefore , you should reflect upon how God forgives , and you should forgive others as he would you . God is working inside of us .
Book of Matthew , Chapter 6 , Verses 14-15 state , “ If you forgive those who sin against you , your heavenly Father will forgive you . But if you refuse to forgive others , your Father will not forgive your sins .” ( NLT )
If a person says or does something to you , or wrongs you in some way , then you should reach out to them to advise them of the need for forgiveness . Sometimes people are unaware they have wronged you and cannot or do not ask for forgiveness . Therefore , forgiveness cannot be offered , nor accepted without knowledge of an offense .
Book of Romans , Chapter 12:17- 21 states , “ Never pay back evil for evil to anyone . Respect what is right in the sight of all men . If possible , so far as it depends on you , be at peace with all men . Never take your own revenge ,