Faith Filled Family Magazine August 2016 | Page 76

I often tell parents of young chil- to handle things for me since it dren; “If you want to raise good was basically out of my control kids, you need to put your time anyway. into them.” I chose the latter. It’s not easy. I had a very difficult divorce. Twice, I had to obtain a That was 15 years ago. It’s a restraining order against my ex- miracle I’m still here. husband. He was never on time for visitation, and even ignored I decided to share that part of my our son’s birthday. For years, I life here, because I really wanted was left doing damage control you to understand I didn’t come every time he brought our kids from some perfect past. My life back from one of his weekend has been anything but perfect. visitations. They were often However, my One constant, has emotional wrecks. been Jesus. He has been in my life since I was 11 years old, and I often found myself being a He’s never left me. Through all perpetual sounding board for of the headaches, heartaches, them to vent about their father. ups and downs of my life, He One time, it was just too much has never once left me. He is my to hear and I took a baseball bat go-to Person every time I’ve ever to a fence and beat it as hard as needed anything. He always I could until I wore myself out. comes through for me. ALWAYS. Other times, I’d just sit, nod my head, and listen for hours on end I’d encourage you (and your as both my kids spilled their guts children) to surround yourself to me. I’d hold it all in, but later, with other people of faith, with weep for hours on my bathroom like-minded Godly values and floor alone. Two weeks later, principles. When our kids are we’d go through the same thing young, they look up to us for that all over again. This went on for guidance. They mimic our manyears. nerisms, language, and values. If you smoke, drink, cuss, lie, In 2001, I was diagnosed with an party, etc., expect that your chilinoperable terminal brain aneu- dren will no doubt copy your rysm. My kids were 17 and 11. behavior. Kids learn by what we Not exactly the news you want DO much more than by what we to hear as a single parent. I was SAY. They watch us all the time. only 39. The news really hit hard If they catch you bad mouthing since brain aneurysms run in my and/or lying to your ex-spouse, family. (My father died of one they see that as an open door when he was 32. His mother had of accepted behavior for themone 4 years later.) selves as well. (“Well, if MOM does it, it MUST be ok.”) I knew right then, I’d have to make a decision as to ‘how’ I When the burden of singlewas going to deal with this. I parenting became too tough at could either shrivel up in a corner times, I’d end up on my knees or grant custody of my kids to giving it all to God. That was the their father, or I could trust God one thing that saved my sanity. Griping about it to friends may have helped for the moment, but it didn’t “fix” my internal maternal woes. As a single mom, I learned to deal with and fix the things I knew I could; but the bigger things I always had to give over to my Heavenly Father for Him to fix. In doing so, I not only got my sanity back, but we had peace in our home, and that’s something you just can’t put a price on. I had the misfortune of losing 10 jobs in ten years due to the spiraling chaos of 9/11 and shoddy employers. Before then, I had been employed by a national publishing company for 4.5 years I’d landed during my divorce. My son and I lost everything we owned on three separate occasions during that time, and were forced to live in hotels. Those were some of the worst and best times of our lives. God took care of us through it all, for which I am forever grateful. Single moms and dads: Lean on your Heavenly Father. That is my utmost advice. For your children: “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) Children find security in consistency and routine. They eat better. They sleep better. I cannot stress this enough: KEEP YOUR WORD. If you promise your child something, (even if it’s just your time) make sure you follow through. So many parents today say one thing then do another. It sends mixed messages to a child. Kids are stressed enough