Faith Filled Family Magazine August 2016 | Page 75

much higher than me. My faith had often brought me through some very tough times in the past, so my choice was to once again, call on the One True God for help. (Especially since I knew I’d need a lot of it.) minute, My alarm makes me jump & it starts all over again. Kids are a blessing…I’ve been told many times. I tend to agree, and I’m glad I have mine. Yes, I’d like some things on a silver platter… But what I have now is all that matters.” They actually had an outreach program that served the local homeless. On Saturdays, my children and I would wake up early and go there to volunteer our time to feeding and clothing homeless people in our area. We all had our assigned “staOne day, after some ample tions” and for two hours my kids time had passed, I penned my learned more of what God is thoughts down on some paper really all about, including human hoping to figure out if I could kindness, compassion, humilactually keep going…I titled it: I wrote this poem one day when ity, and doing for others. It got ‘The Single Mom Blues.’ I felt completely exasperated, to where they both got excited exhausted, and alone after han- to get up on Saturday mornings ¹ “I’d like some things on a silver dling 11 years of single parenting because they knew they were platter. woes on my own. But then God going to help others and that What they would be wouldn’t reminded me: I’m also the recipi- what they were doing made a quite matter. ent of the all the rewards. difference in someone else’s life. No chores, no dishes, no launMy kids are 32 and 27 now, but dry to do… ¹ (Excerpt from the book: NO they still talk about those times Some time to myself with noth- TIME TO CRY – One Mother’s we volunteered as a family to ing to do. Will to Survive Against All Odds, help the homeless and how The days zip by fast as I start by Mindy L. Wallace. USED much it impacted their lives. them at dawn; WITH PERMISSION) Such is the life of most single moms. If you are a struggling single I come home to find stacks of parent, I’d encourage you and dirty dishes… your children to find a God fearThings haven’t changed much ing church to attend together. since I was the Mrs. Moving to a new city was tough The single mom blues can hit on my kids, but they adapted any time… quite well because I did everyNo matter your age without thing in my power to encourage reason or rhyme. and uplift them. It also helped Just when I think I can sit for a when we joined a local church.