Faith Filled Family Magazine August 2016 | Page 66

earthly father. I’m not saying all of this for you to feel sorry for me. Even though I had to deal with some bad circumstances, I still had a great childhood. My mom made sure that despite our struggles, I was happy and well-taken care of. Divorce is just a part of my story, but it’s not the whole thing. However, the reason I’ve told you my experience with divorce is to show you that I understand what it’s like to be caught in the middle of it. My hope is that I can shed some light on the child’s perspective and what he or she deals with when a family goes through the process of divorce. If you are in the midst of a divorce, here are a few things that you can do to help your child handle it in a positive, healthy way. or her to write out his or her feelings in a journal, express them through artistic means, or even verbalize them by talking with a therapist. This will sometimes be a painful process, but expressing these emotions now in a healthy way will keep him or her from doing so later in life through more serious or dangerous means. safe, stable home in which he or she can grow and thrive. Finally, the best thing you can do to help your child handle divorce is to make sure he or she knows that he or she is loved--by God and by you. The single most lasting impact that my parents’ divorce had on me was the way it affected my self-esteem. Still today, twenty-two years later, I struggle daily with this issue. My mom never let me doubt that she loved me, but as a little girl, I subconsciously worried that my dad didn’t love me and that I wasn’t good enough for him. This fear carried over into other relationships in my life, particularly my relationship with God, and left me with incredibly damaging personal issues. Secondly, make your home a safe place. Make the environment comfortable and calm, instead of angry and tense. A child needs this safety and stability to thrive. If your home is constantly filled with bitter arguments and loud screaming, there will be real consequences for your child. He or she could either withdraw into fear and timidity or act out and disobey. Both of these reactions stem from the instability of the Because of this, I implore you to First, give him or her an oppor- environment in the home. let your children know you love tunity and vehicle to express them. Let them know that they their feelings. It is dangerous So, consciously choose to make are special, worthy, and lovedfor someone to keep his or her your home a safe place. Don’t -just because of who they are. emotions trapped inside. Like a bring your child into the middle Remind them that the Bible says caged animal, those emotions of your fights with your former they are “fearfully and wonderwill just grow wilder and more spouse or make him or her a fully made” (Psalm 139:14a). out of control until eventually, bargaining chip of some kind. Tell them that God loves them they will explode into the open, Don’t constantly degrade your enough that He was willing to leaving mental and sometimes spouse in front of your child. sacrifice His Son to die for them. physical damage. When I was These things may feel harmless, Then, show them where He growing up and was forced to even satisfying, in the moment. says this in John 3:16: “For God deal with problems or circum- However, these actions will so loved the world that He gave stances that I didn’t understand, cause extreme injury to your His only begotten Son…” Let I turned to writing to help me child’s mental health and devel- them know that they never have process my feelings. Writing opment. He or she may grow to earn God’s love or yours and provided me with a healthy way up living in constant fear or inse- that they never have to be “good to handle my emotions so that curity because of the pressure enough,” because the Bible says I didn’t allow them to consume he or she endured by being put in Titus 2:5a that God’s love and me. in the middle of the disagree- salvation can’t be earned. This ment. Or, he or she may grow verse promises that it is “accordIf your child is having difficulty up harboring hatred and bitter- ing to His mercy” that God saved dealing with the confusing emo- ness toward you or your former us. Fill your children up with tions that divorce creates, help spouse because of the things the truth that God loves them him or her find a way to express he or she witnessed. To prevent always, no matter what, and that these emotions. Encourage him this, provide your child with a you do, too.