Faith Filled Family Magazine August 2016 | Page 54

way? My crazy hair ha ha? Why gracias! I would say to the Christians that feel it’s inappropriate to dress in such a way that our hair the Bible says is our crown of glory. Think of it like this... I change my crown all the time because I’m that fabulous, I have many crowns! I feel there’s a way to dress modest, yet classy and fashionable. Just because we’re Christians doesn’t mean we can’t dress awesome. I’m pretty sure that Jesus was the coolest dude around. Again, people find a reason to judge for anything so as long you are dressed modest then let em’ talk at least they’re talking! I’m comfortable in my own skin and happen to love fashion and hair and will also be doing lines for these things in the near future as well as selling fun items at my live show so people can join and have a fun wig to wear or an awesome sequin jumpsuit :) You say that God will use anything- music, art, books, film, and posts to reach the hearts of His people. This is a true and accurate statement. However, what message and lifestyle should we as Christians reflect within our gifts, talents and potential given to us by God? Well though a lot of my songs are fun and upbeat they also have a positive and clear message. I will always only use my platform for the Lord. I feel that if the world is sneaky in they put certain things in art culture than we need to do so even more to win people back. Why shouldn’t our songs be so hot that anyone and everyone loves to listen and a seed can be planted? Why can’t we dress fabulous so that we people see and don’t just think you have to wear a potato sack skirt and a turtleneck up to your nose if you’re a Christian. Being a Christian is supposed to be a testimony of us being “little Christs”. We are supposed to be awesome and blessed so much so that people ask what it is that we have. Find a balance without losing who you are and push the limits and take back our music and art for God’s glory. Make them turn off hot FM and turn on the Christian radio because it’s that banging and impacting! If someone desires to contact you whether to purchase “Treasure” to book a concert, or just would like to “Follow You”, how can they get in contact with you? I would love for people to purchase “Treasure” and they can purchase it on my website under