Faith Filled Family Magazine August 2016 | Page 26

Satan is quite happy to encourage this. Specific demonic activity, although it may be present at certain stages, is often not needed for a stronghold to take control of a person’s life. No one can say, “The devil made me do it,” when it comes to longstanding habits that develop into strongholds. Whereas severe emotional trauma may invite demonic presence earlier in the process, Satan cannot actually force a believer to do anything. PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT I heard a Christian speaker not long ago who asked her audience to complete this sentence. “Practice makes________.” Of course, most of us assumed that missing word would be “Perfect”. She corrected us. The sentence should be, “Practice make permanent.” As an illustration, I picture a ravine that has been carved out by centuries of water flowing through the same path. Eventually, the path becomes permanent, and the river will continue to flow through the same path unless some major force, whether that is an earthquake, flood or excavation, acts upon it to change its course. It is much the same with strongholds. Whether a stronghold exists due to a long-standing habit, or if it has become empowered and strengthened by specific demonic activity, it is important to know what to do with strongholds. What kind of major force can be brought to bear on a stronghold to tear it down? AVOID LETTING STRONGHOLDS BE BUILT First of all, it is best to not allow strongholds to be built at all. We need to stay close to God. Rely on His power and not our own. Search out and speak truth from God’s Word to displace the lies Satan tries to get us to believe. Catch the wayward thought early and reject the invitation to a bad choice. Remember. Practice makes permanent. The truth is that if we, in the power of God, practice truth and practice right choices, they will build their own channel that will, over time, become easier and easier to follow. in obedience to God, we make strides toward tearing down the stronghold that has been raised up in opposition to God. Give no opportunity. One of the primary means by which a stronghold keeps a person captive is that it takes advantage of opportunities that are easily available to bring a person down. Giving no opportunity may involve some drastic changes in routine and activities that all too often lead to a fall. When dealing with a stronghold in the area of alcohol, it would be foolish for What if a stronghold already a struggler to continue taking exists? It would be nice if we only a route home from work that needed to consider how to pre- leads by his favorite bar. Give no vent strongholds. That is all well opportunity. If the stronghold is and good, but what if a strong- compulsive shopping, a woman hold has already taken hold? would be wise to restrict her time What is a person to do then? at her favorite mall, and would be wiser still to cut up her credit Acknowledge that the strong- cards. Give no opportunity. hold exists. Plain and simple. Acknowledging that there is If a man is struggling with a a problem is essential to get- stronghold in the area of internet ting rid of it. Identify it. Name it. pornography, he may need to Acknowledge the destruction it take some precautions such as is causing. putting his computer in a public place so that anyone passing Take every thought captive. Each through the room can see what time a wayward thought crosses he is looking at. If that is not your mind, take it captive. Grab enough, he may need to take it, confess it to God, and ask the more restrictive action of Him, in His Holy Spirit’s power to installing one of many available cast it out. Name it for the evil programs to restrict access to that it is. If it is a lie that Satan is those sites, or even the drastic throwing your way for the thou- measure of getting rid of internet sandth time, identify the lie and access entirely. Not easy to do before God, confess the truth. in this day and age where everyThe Apostle Paul writes in 2 Cor- thing is online, but if it means inthians 10:5, “We are destroy- being free of a stronghold, that ing speculations and every may be exactly what needs to lofty thing raised up against the happen. Give no opportunity. knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to Giving no opportunity for a the obedience of Christ.” As stronghold to lead to a fall makes we take each thought captive sense in the areas described