Faith Filled Family Magazine August 2016 | Page 106

feel the stings from the growing and I can attest to that fact. The bruises and swelling cuts. hills that once felt impossible to climb are taken more in stride. When my husband died sud- There are still bumps in the road, denly in the shower while get- but the potholes are either more ting ready for work, my brain filled in with faith or I am more in fuzzed. Zombie like, interrupted tune to the Holy Spirit’s advice to by intermittent spats of shaking steer around them. Occasionally tearfulness, I sloughed through one jars me back on my knees, the days before and immediately where I belong. I have learned after the funeral on numbed to praise God for that because autopilot. I don’t recall praying or it meant I was about to run on even crying out to God, but then empty again. I consider it His I don’t remember a great deal subtle way of tapping my shoulduring those initial weeks of wid- der and waggling His finger, owhood. beckoning me to return to Him. What I do recount is feeling as if I was lifted and floating through it all on the prayers of others. And in a quiet, wee hour of the morning moment, that revelation hit me. It was as if someone had given me a booster shot of energy. I literally fell to my knees in tears, this time cleansing ones in joyful release. My faith meter’s needle jumped to high. My spiritual fuel tank brimmed over, and I knew, really knew—not just head knowledge—I was not alone. It made the months and years ahead easier. Each time I felt drained, spiritually and emotionally, I returned to that moment. I dove into His Word. I scrunched to my knees and let His mercy dowse me like cool water on a hot summer day. Then I drank in His grace like a deer pants for water. (Psalm 42:1) I renewed my strength and then once again soared like an eagle…until the next stressful adjustment. But as I moved through each phase, the roller coaster humps slowly became less pronounced. Scripture says God will make our paths straight (Proverbs 3:6), our shock absorber. Our hope in His loving mercy and grace helps us through the ups and downs along this imperfect world’s journey. Someone much wiser than I once said that we learn from our mistakes, not our successes. Trials and tribulations happen, simply because of sin—ours or another’s. In essence, life happens. We are aliens in a foreign and hostile land. Jesus explained this very clearly to His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane in the Gospel of John I think the victory is in the return- 15:18-16:4. But God uses these ing, time and again to our Lord tumultuous times to measure our despite the curves life throws trust. How we react is an indiat us. Others will see that as cation of how full our faith tank well. They may witness a tem- is at the moment. It is also our porary wobble in our faith, but testimony. Because of Paul and like a buoy roiled by stormy Silas’s reactions to their impriswaves, we remain upright. We onment, a jailor and his family may be tossed, but not over- were saved and the church in turned. We may get a few lungs Philippi started. We have no idea full of water in the turmoil, but how God will use our trials to His we won’t drown. Like Jesus did glory down the road. to Peter as they walked on the stormy Galilean sea, (read Mat- So, the next time the waves of life thew 14:22-32) when we shift swell, do not chastise yourself if our focus to the situation instead all you can think about is kicking of on Him, He will reach out His your legs and moving your arms. hand and yanks us back. As the When life gets bumpy, grab hold disciples who witnessed it did, with white knuckled strength. we will whisper in awe, “Truly But in the aftermath, fall to your you are the Son of God.” (vs.33) knees. Embrace the storm that Perhaps those around us will is waning as the seas calm. narrow their eyes and wonder Breathe as the road becomes the same. What a witness! less rocky. Acknowledge you didn’t stay afloat on your own or There are two certainties in this that you had shock absorbers life. We will experience episodes to ease the jolts. Seek the lesof total bliss, and also times of sons God wished you to learn turmoil, trials and perhaps even and draw near with faith to be persecution. Roller coaster refilled, so when the next rough events often knock people for a spot hits, you will be prepared. loop and leave them dizzy as my It will come—but, through hope husband’s unexpected death did revealed, you will survive victorime. But as believers, Jesus is ously.