Faith Filled Family Magazine August 2016 | Page 105

The Calm After The Storm By Julie B. Cosgrove A drenaline rush. Fight or flight. God designed our bodies and brains to react in the midst of trauma, danger or stress. When we are in the throngs of intensity, few of us have the wherefore all to stop, kneel and pray. Even though we know we should. After all, Paul tell us in Ephesians, to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. (6:18a) I have heard it said “fear not” is mentioned 365 times in the Bible, one for every day of the year. God doesn’t want us to be afraid, but instead to trust in Him and have faith. We’re supposed to let Him take control. But, is that truly possible in the midst of a crisis? When the swells of uncertainty crash against our chest, our first instinct is to swim as fast and furiously as we can to stay above water. We may cry out for God to save us, but inaction on our part is not an option. That is human nature. How can we emerge victorious after any situation? The answer is simple, but not often easy. After you have run until there is We must sneak back under the a stitch in your side, and your shadow of His wings and rejoice breathing is labored and your in His shelter. Let our heartbeat calves burn, you need to stop, calm. Allow our faith to be replenrest, and restore your energy. ished. And above all, thank Him Spiritually, the same thing for being right there with us applies. When we have been through the whole ordeal, even if through the wringer, we must we could not “feel” His presence. take time to reconnect with Our Therein lies the victory—that we Father and let His Holy Spirit may have been beaten down but comfort, strengthen, and revi- not defeated. talize us. Too often in this rusharound world, I think we forget Paul and Silas, while jailed after that and plow forwar d, hoping for being beaten and dragged in a second wind. humiliation before their peers as a result of their preaching, Jesus, according to the Gospels, stopped to pray, praise and sing. often went away to pray, espe- But, it was after things calmed cially after being mobbed by down, and the only sounds were people who selfishly wanted His the groans of other prisoners, healing powers for their temporal dripping water and the rats gnawailments instead of the eternal ing. Still in a precarious situation healing He offered. He needed no doubt. However, the urgency that alone, rejuvenated time with had passed. In faith, they turned God to renew His strength. We to Jesus even though they were are no different. probably ankle dip in smelly muck and beginning to really