Faith Filled Family Magazine April 2017 | Page 58

Son to die for us , how should we not show mercy for others ? Are we more powerful than God ? No . Are we smarter than God ? No . Are we more holy than God ? Absolutely not . So if an all-giving , all-knowing , all-Holy Father can forgive every single person on this earth , how can you and I refuse to ? He showed mercy on us when we least deserved it . Give mercy , we need it as well .
Blessed are the pure in heart , for they shall see God . “ For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him …” ( 2 Chronicles 16:9 ). You and I can fool anyone . We can carry our Bibles , sit in the front row at church , we can memorize every scripture in the Bible . But is it pure ? Think about the devil , for example . Satan recited scripture to Jesus when he tempted Him in the desert , though you and I both know he was and is far from pure . God knows your heart , and He knows mine . He knows every motive we have and why we execute each move we attempt throughout our days , whether menial or not . Blessed are those with pure intentions , those who help people because they replicate their Savior , not for public praise or self-gratification . Blessed are they , for they shall see their God .
Blessed are the peacemakers , for they shall be called sons of God . You and I are called to be peacemakers whenever and with whoever we can in the world . By this , we show the love of Christ . Jesus showed no strife or hate even to the men who crucified Him . When you are spreading peace and let it reign in your lives so that the eyes of other observe this , you are identified as a son or daughter of God . People will know who your Father is , by the replication of Christ ; the Son that you show . Jesus is love , Jesus is grace , Jesus is mercy , Jesus is peace , and He is the Son of God . Blessed be you and I in our quest for peace , as we too shall be called children of the most high God .
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account . This last beatitude leads my mind back to the cross . Jesus was reviled , persecuted , attacked , tortured , and was led to His death , though He now is seated next to His Father in all glory , righteousness , and holiness . He accepted death , though rejected separation from us for eternity . Although He knew no sin , He became sin so that you and I could become HIS and live eternally with Him . Blessed are you who will stand for Jesus . Blessed are you who will not deny His name . Blessed are you who will choose the way of the Father over the way of the world . Blessed are you will never deny His name for the sake of your own , for you shall see heaven .
Every word that flowed from the mouth of Jesus was beautiful and true , holy and wise . He speaks of such blessings to provide us with a blueprint of how to live according to His purpose . Be blessed , sons and daughters of God , for your Father is ever present and ever near ; you will be blessed when you call upon His name .