Faith Filled Family Magazine April 2017 | Page 54

a resolution does discredit the maker to some degree , however small . More importantly , the failure to follow through may nag at the maker and project negative internal emotions that do not serve any good purpose .
Actions , whether good or bad , also reflect upon the source with whom we identify . Parents want their children to “ behave ” so others will think more highly of their parenting skills . Employers want employees to demonstrate the values of the work culture whether on or off the job . People who view the actions of others will make judgments , supportive
or critical , about the nature of the authority with whom the person identifies .
Christians who keep their word give testimony to the righteousness of the One who stands behind them . The integrity Christians exhibit does point to a God who exemplifies integrity to an infinite degree .
Therefore , if any possibility exists that one may break the oath or vow , then Jesus would commend us to not make it in the first place . Since we cannot know with absolute certainty about keeping the oath or vow , then simply say “ yes ” or “ no ” – not as a potential means of escape , but as the means to keep your veracity held in high regard by others and yourself .
Christians need not entangle themselves in the intricacies of oaths and vows , whether to make them or not , and any consequences of failing to do so . When we speak as a reflection of God ’ s character , don ’ t “ cross our fingers ,” and intend to do what we say and say what we do without “ crossing our heart ,” then we live out the Kingdom ideal – with or without oaths and vows .