Faith Filled Family Magazine April 2017 | Page 23

Every day there are temptations put in front of us that pull us to conform to the norms of the world . There is the blatant display and normalcy of free love ( sexuality ), worshiping false idols , materialism , and hate , to name a few . We are in the midst of battle with society , fighting each moment to hold firm to our beliefs and values . This can be wearing and sometimes it seems easier to compromise on some of our values to avoid conflict with those living in liberal society instead of standing tall and holding fast to what we know is right in the eyes of God .
It is vitally important to stand firm . When we fail to do so , society has won . They will beat and berate us day in and day out to conform us to their will . This is hard for some to face and overcome . Each person is different and each battle with self and the world is unique to each person , but there is strength through Christ . There is nothing we can ’ t withstand with God on our side . He is our greatest support and cheerleader in this world .
Christ tells us in Romans 12:2 ( NIV ), “ Do not conform to the pattern of this world , but be transformed by the renewing of your mind . Then you will be able to test and approve what God ’ s will is — his good , pleasing and perfect will .” Let ’ s dissect this for a moment .
“ Do not conform to the pattern of this world ” – The world is the society we live in . Don ’ t think for a moment the challenges of facing society today are any worse or different than the time of the Apostle Paul , the author of Romans . Obviously , we have very different lifestyles , but people are people and they faced the same challenges we face today : the false idols , persecution for beliefs , and perversions of sexual relationships . The Apostle Paul tells us to not conform to their pattern . He admonishes us to turn away from the old ways of living and to follow the example of Christ and how Christ wants man to operate and live in the world . He doesn ’ t say to pick and choose what to not conform to . He tells us to NOT conform to the ways of society .
“ Be transformed by the renewing of your mind ” – Paul is saying there is a need to challenge the old ways of thinking when we become a follower of Jesus . There is a necessity of changing our thought processes when we