Faith Filled Family Magazine April 2017 | Page 16

of adultery . At first this doesn ’ t seem to apply , and as harsh as it sounds we need to look for the hidden meaning to see the revelation and application . In verse 17 , He states He came to fulfill the law – in simpler terms , He came to complete it , lift it up , or bring it to light – so in that context , He is helping us to live out the law ( the correct translation is instructions ) by showing us the root of the sins . Adultery doesn ’ t start with the blatant act , it starts with the thought . It starts when we first allow ourselves to dwell on the thought that leads us down that particular path . So in essence , Jesus is telling us how to stay away from the blatant , sinful acts by staying away from the first step on the path toward that act . How , after committing to that path , do we stop and change directions ?
In order to live a righteous life worthy of hearing the words , “ well done , good and faithful servant ,” we must make a conscious , concerted effort to grow closer to our Father and fight temptations that keep us from entering His presence . This means engaging in our relationship with him , actively seeking Him out and positioning ourselves to hear His voice . This is all He has wanted since Adam and Eve fell , a redeemed relationship with His creation , His children . So then how do we break free from those distractions that have our attention ? How do we keep the lines of communication open to hear our Father ’ s voice ? Deuteronomy 6:4-9 , the greatest commandment according to Jesus ( known as the Shema ), not only tells us we need to love God with everything we have , but it says how to do it :
“ Hear [ and obey ] Israel ! Adonai is God , Adonai is [ a unified ] one ; and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart , all your being and all your resources . These words , which I am ordering you today , are to be on your heart ; and you are to teach them carefully to your children . You are to talk about them when you sit at home , when you are traveling on the road , when you lie down and when you get up . Tie them on your hand as a sign , put them at the front of a headband around your forehead , and write them on the door-frames of your house and on your gates .”
Within the context of breaking bondages , small or great , these instructions are as plain as they come . When we put our heavenly Father in the forefront of our thoughts , there is no room for negative thoughts ! When temptations try to drag us down and away from God , we can easily recognize them , their purpose , and who they are coming from . The enemy wants nothing more than to steal from us , kill us , and destroy anything good around us ( John 10:10 ). In order to live life in its full measure , we need to remind ourselves to stay in communication with our God . When we surround ourselves with His word , we can take a stand against the enemy as well as our place as children who hear and obey the Father ’ s voice . This is how we keep from reverting to the things of the world , and stay away from the old bondages .
Some bondages take more to break than others . Beginning a diet provides an excellent example of breaking a bondage to food . The key to a successful diet is not counting calories , eating a certain amount of protein versus carbohydrates or the supplements we take . Although these things are indeed part of the diet , the key to successful dieting is commitment . Without commitment , the diet will be short-lived and may lead to taking steps backwards . Commitment takes work : planning and preparation , not just in the beginning , but throughout the process of meeting goals . The same can be said of breaking any bondage . If we are not fully committed , and we do not prepare , we are destined to fail .
Whether affected by coffee , emotional attachments , self-exaltation or any plethora of distractions , we need to recognize them as just that , distractions from our enemy . Our Creator needs us for such a time as this , but he needs us focused and at attention . It is imperative that we fill our minds and hearts with His word – memorize it , sing it , meditate on it , pray it and teach it . As we continue in His word , bondages will break ; some faster than others , but rest assured , “ no temptation has seized you beyond what people normally experience , and God can be trusted not to allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear . On the contrary , along with the temptation He will also provide the way out , so that you will be able to endure ” ( 1st Corinthians 10:13 ).