Faith Crafter Magazine 2 2016 | Page 27

Take your time to stash all materials in an order that you’re happy with and make sure that all foldings are on top of each other. Clamps are useful to make sure that everything stays in the right position. When using smaller pieces of paper, take note of where they are, so that you bind them together properly later on. After stacking all envelopes and flyer’s mark out the five holes for the seem, remember that every piece need at least one hole to stay in place. There are different ways you can put the envelopes and flyer’s together. You can either sew them together or take the easy route and staple your junk journal together. First how to sew them together: flip the heap so that the spine of the journal is facing up, mark out the position for the five holes where the thread will go through, and make sure there is at least one hole through every paper as noted earlier. Use a utensil with a sharp point to make the holes. I used an awl. Now it is time to get needle and thread to sew it all together. Measure out string that is more than twice the journal height in length. Thread the needle, beginning from the outside through the center hole (see the illustration on how to sew) next exit out using the center hole once more, tie a knot and leave the ends for decoration. Use some utensil with a pointy end to make the holes, notice the clamps used as a pair of ”extra hands” holding it all together. Masking tape make cover the string, this make it easy to later put a layer of primer on the pages. To use staples, a stapler with an extra long arm is very convenient, it should reach from the edge to the center. Always staple from the outside and put a piece of masking tape over the staples, that way you can paint over them later. Faith Crafter Mars 2016 27