Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 73

Decent work: more and more German companies are placing importance on fair standards in global delivery chains in the “Alliance for Sustainable Textiles“, regard to international efforts for fair stand- which seeks to achieve improvements on ards in global delivery chains. both counts for those employed in the textile and clothing industry. More than 100 For the purpose of formulating a CSR strategy, German textile manufacturers, including in 2009 the Federal Government convened a the big players, have joined the initiative German CSR Forum and in 2010 the “National launched by the Federal Ministry for Eco- Strategy for Corporate Social Responsibility – nomic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) CSR Action Plan” was concluded. One of its in 2014. Through the Alliance, Germany focal points is the successful implementation of aims to document its pioneering role with CSR in small and medium-sized enterprises.