Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 54

52 | 53 FOREIGN POLICY obligations, and answer critical questions. European Council can resort directly to the Germany underwent this procedure in 2009 ECtHR with complaints concerning a viola- and 2013. tion of rights protected by the European Human Rights Convention. Germany em- Germany is one of the most active coun- phatically advocates that all member states tries on the European Council, which has 47 of the European Council accept and imple- member states and champions the protec- ment the decisions of the ECtHR, as is in- tion and promotion of human rights, the cumbent upon them. The International rule of law, and democracy throughout Eu- Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, the rope. With landmark conventions, in particu- Netherlands, is responsible for the prosecu- lar the European Human Rights Convention, tion under international criminal law of the European Council plays a strong role in serious international crimes such as war establishing a common European judicial crimes, crimes against humanity, and geno- area and monitors adherence to binding cide. Germany is in favour of universal rec- common standards and values on the Euro- ognition of the ECtHR. pean continent. The Federal Government Commissioner for International human rights Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid, policy tools Christoph Strässer, is based in the Federal Foreign Office. He observes international de- The European Court of Human Rights velopments, coordinates human rights activ- (ECtHR) in Strasbourg, France is one of the ities with other state bodies, and advises the European Council’s main institutions for Federal Foreign Minister. The German par- enforcing human rights in Europe. Each and liament, the Bundestag, has accompanied every citizen of the 47 member states of the and monitored German human rights policy Cooperation and development Germany is not only one of the important and major donor countries in the field of government development cooperation; it is also an important donor for, and actively helps shape humanitarian aid. Spending on government development cooperation in USD billion USA 32.73 Great Britain 19.39 Germany 16.25 France 10.37 Japan 9.19 Source: OECD / DAC DIAGRAM