Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 29

On the roof of the Reichstag in Berlin: around 8,000 people visit the parliamentary building every day Germany’s federal character is revealed in primarily through the Bundesrat, the upper the large level of independence the 16 federal house, which is made up of members of the states enjoy, in particular with regard to the federal state governments and is likewise in police, disaster control, the law, and culture. Berlin. Densely populated federal states have For historical reasons the cities of Berlin, greater representation in the Bundesrat than Hamburg, and Bremen are also federal smaller ones. By being coalition partners in states. The close links between the federal federal state governments, parties that at states and central government is unique, re- federal level are in opposition, or not even sulting in the state governments having nu- represented in the Bundestag, can thus merous opportunities to play an active role potentially exert an influence on politics at in central government policy. This occurs federal level, as numerous federal acts and