Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 156

154 | 155 WAY OF LIFE WAY OF LIFE Land of Diversity ∙ Urban Quality of Life ∙ Sustainable Tourism ∙ Sporting Challenges ∙ Leisurely Enjoyment INSIGHT LAND OF DIVERSITY A love of nature and cities alike, healthy inhabitants, Germany is the most populous food and gourmet restaurants, a strong country in the EU and one of the most sense of tradition and a cosmopolitan mind- densely populated; around 77 percent of its set – measuring 357,000 square kilometres, inhabitants live in densely and highly popu- Germany is the fourth largest country in the lated areas. Around 30 percent of the popu- European Union (EU) after France, Spain lation resides in big cities with more than and Sweden. From the North and Baltic Seas 100,000 inhabitants, of which there are 76 to the Alps in the south, Germany is geo- in Germany; Munich has 4,460 people per graphically sub-divided into the North Ger- square kilometre, Berlin 3,780. Experts be- man Lowlands, the Mittelgebirge ridge, the lieve the ongoing trend of growth and inno- Central Uplands in southwest Germany, the vation is reflected in the renaissance of cit- South German Alpine foothills and the Ba- ies, and forecast that by 2030 the number of varian Alps. From north to south the great- inhabitants in major cities will have surged est distance is 876 kilometres, from east to – with considerable consequences for the west 640 kilometres. housing market, inner-city mobility, and infrastructure. In particular, the 18-to-24- Germany is one of the countries with the year-old age bracket is showing a pro- highest standards of living in the world. nounced willingness to move to cities. This The 2014 United Nations’ Human Develop- urbanisation makes Germany part of a ment Index (HDI) puts Germany sixth out global trend. The cities are also great tourist of a total of 187 countries. With 81.2 million attractions – Berlin especially is developing