Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 144

142 | 143 C U LT U R E & T H E M E D I A TOPIC COSMOPOLITAN POSITIONS In German society, which is steeped in plural- tales of themselves and the lives of their par- ism, there can just as little be one predominant ents and grandparents, unlike the stories told cultural trend as there can be one metropolis by citizens who have lived in Germany for that towers over all the others. Buttressed centuries. Whether they were born in Ger- by the country’s federal structure, Germany many or not, as a rule they are not influenced is typified by the simultaneity of many ex- by some hands-on experience of immigration, ceptionally different things from different but by the experience of cultural hybridity. periods, indeed even countervailing or com- This life in various cultural contexts engen- peting currents – in theatre, film, music, the ders new forms of artistic enquiry into society visual arts, and literature. and draws up new front lines for negotiating rights, a sense of belonging, or participation. There is a clear trend in theatre: The number New narratives arise that encourage society to of premiere performances by contemporary view itself in a new light and define how Ger- playwrights has soared. They run the entire man culture is perceived abroad. gamut of current forms of the performing arts, in which traditional spoken theatre mingles A beacon of such art that celebrates trans-cul- with pantomime, dance, video, play acting, turalism is Shermin Langhoff’s Post-Migrant and music, giving rise to dense performancelike, post-drama stage work. The sheer variety presented each year at the May Berlin Theater- INFO treffen can be read as the polyphonic response to the issues raised by a complex reality. Alongside the cultural mainstream driven by the centre-ground in society new things are arising, increasingly from marginalised sections of society, and these ideas are penetrating and enriching the established world of theatre. “Postmigrant” is the buzzword describing the phenomenon, reflecting that Germany is an immigration society as is visible in many cities, especially in Berlin. Millions of Germans with a migrant background are the second or third generation of their family living here, they tell Adelbert von Chamisso Prize The Adelbert von Chamisso Prize is a literary award bestowed since 1985 by the Robert Bosch Stiftung. It is given to a published work whose author’s mother tongue is not German. In 2015, the prize went to Sherko Fatah, a German writer with Iraqi roots (for his oeuvre), to Olga Grjasnova, who was born in Baku/Azerbaijan (for her: Die juristische Unschärfe einer Ehe) and to Martin Kordic (for Wie ich mir d