Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 139

COMPACT PLAYERS & ORGANISATIONS German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media The German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Monika Grütters, is, as Minister of State, a member of the Federal Chancellery. Her tasks include promoting cultural institutions and projects that are of national significance. → bundesregierung.de Haus der Kulturen der Welt Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin is a centre Goethe-Institut of international cultural exchange and a forum Goethe-Institut e. V. is Germany’s globally for contemporary debates. active cultural institute. Its brief is to promote a → hkw.de knowledge of the German language abroad, nurture international cultural cooperation and Deutscher Kulturrat convey an exhaustive current image of Deutscher Kulturrat e. V. is the acknowledged Germany. umbrella association of German cultural associ- → goethe.de ations, with 246 federal cultural associations and organisations forming its membership. Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations → kulturrat.de The Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) dedicates itself world-wide to interaction Central Agency for German Schools Abroad on art, civil society dialogue, and providing The Central Agency for German Schools Abroad information on foreign cultural policy. (ZfA) promotes and advises 1,200 schools abroad, → ifa.de including 140 German schools abroad. → auslandsschulwesen.de Kulturstiftung des Bundes The Kulturstiftung des Bundes promotes art and culture that falls within the ambit of the Federal Government. One focal point is supporting innovative programmes and projects in the international context. → kulturstiftung-des-bundes.de DIGITAL PLUS For details on all the topics in this chapter – commented lists of links, articles, documents, speeches; and for further information on keywords such as the federal state’s responsibility for culture, Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Deutscher Filmpreis, documenta. → tued.net/en/dig7