Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 129

Environmental protection is an issue many people actively work for in their spare time interest in volunteer services shows that Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, young adults are willing to get involved in Women and Youth, the Weltwärts pro- society. The Federal Volunteer Service has gramme of the Federal Ministry for Eco- been in place since 2011. It is open to all age nomic Cooperation and Development, or groups and complements the model, in ex- the Kulturweit volunteer service by the istence for over 50 years, of the voluntary German UNESCO Commission in coopera- social year for young people and young tion with the German Federal Foreign Of- adults. It is also possible to do voluntary fice. Considering all services together, in work abroad, for example through the Inter- 2014 there were roughly 90,000 to 100,000 national Volunteer Service of the Federal volunteers.