Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 126

124 | 125 SOCIETY New forms of cohabitation, such as in same-sex partnerships, are accepted 75 percent of Germans consider family al- cared for by one of 44,000 child minders. lowance to be a good arrangement; almost The number of nursery places for under- all parents take advantage of the benefit. threes has more than doubled since 2006. However, four out of five fathers only take the minimum period of two months off. It Parental leave, family allowance, and im- continues to be primarily mothers who stay proved overall conditions for day-care for at home for a longer period after having babies and pre-schoolers continue to create children. The Elterngeld Plus family allow- the preconditions for the equal treatment of ance scheme launched in 2015 makes re- women as laid down in the Basic Law. turning to work early on even more worth- Whereas in the education sector young while: Parents who work part-time receive women have not only caught up with, but in financial support for up to 28 months. part overtaken young men (in 2014 54.4 percent of those attained a university entrance The number of nursery places for qualification were women, 48.7 percent of under-threes has more than doubled new students in 2014/15 were women), there are still differences between the sexes as re- Since 1 August 2013 children have had a gards pay and career paths: On average legal right to a nursery place upon reaching women working full-time only earn around the age of one. Today every third child un- 78 percent of the salary of their male coun- der three (694,500 children in 2015) attends terparts. They also continue to be under- one of the 54,000 day-care facilities or is represented in managerial roles. According