Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 120

118 | 119 SOCIETY TOPIC SHAPING IMMIGRATION As a destination for migrants, Germany is or foreign parent. This group corresponds now among the world leaders. The Organisa- to a share of just over 20 percent of the total tion for Economic Co-operation and Devel- population, around 10.5 million of them im- opment (OECD) established that in 2014 Ger- migrated themselves. More than three quar- many was the most popular immigration ters of immigrants come from another Euro- country in the world after the USA. Among pean country. According to the Migration the 34 OECD countries, immigration to Ger- Report, in 2013 most immigrants came from many has increased the most in recent Poland and Romania. The largest ethnic mi- years. Since Reunification in 1990, 21 million nority in Germany is formed by the almost people have come to Germany – with only 16 three million people with Turkish roots (in- million moving away in the same period. cluding 1.3 million German nationals). 2013 saw the highest level of immigration since 1993 at 1.2 million people, and net mi- Many first-generation immigrants came fol- gration for the year was positive with a plus lowing the labour recruitment agreement of 437,000 people. with Turkey in 1961 as unqualified workers. Today immigrants of Turkish origin also in- In total, 7.2 million people with a foreign clude students, entrepreneurs and skilled passport live in Germany. Yet around 16.4 workers. A further large group comes from million people have a migratory background. the former Yugoslavia or its successor states. These include immigrants, foreigners born Today, 56 percent of people with a migratory in Germany and people with one immigrant background have a German passport. In Modern immigration society Germany is the second-most popular destination for immigrants in the world after the United States. In 2014 altogether some 16.4 million people in Germany had a migratory background. There are around four to five million Muslims living in Germany – only roughly half of them consider themselves religious, equating to 2.5 to 3 percent of the population. Population according to migration status 2014 7.2 m foreigners 9.2 m people with migratory background and German passport 64.5 m Germans without migratory background Source: German Federal Statistical Office DIAGRAM