Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 115

Some 8.4 million pupils attend general-education schools as such in all states. In 2014 432,700 pupils were In 72 countries the 140 German schools awarded the higher education entrance diplo- abroad provide an excellent education to ma entitling them to study at a university or around 20,800 German and 61,000 non-Ger- university of applied sciences. For children man pupils. Most are run privately, but are with special needs there are separate schools supported by the Central Agency for German which, depending on the particular disability, Schools Abroad (ZfA). Since 2008 the PASCH provide adequate facilities to help them learn initiative, ZfA and Goethe-Institut have been and develop. In line with the UN Convention working on forming an even bigger network on the Rights of People with Disabilities, chil- of German students. Worldwide it links al- dren with and without disability being taught most 2,000 schools, with more than 600,000 together is intended to become the rule. pupils learning German there.