Facts about Germany 2015 2015 | Page 109

At German universities and academic institutes, research in international teams is part of everyday life quality. The International Cooperation Ac- adapted to recent changes. This includes devel- tion Plan approved by the Federal Ministry of oping the European Research Area (ERA) with- Education and Research (BMBF) in 2014 in the European Union, whose consolidation serves as the basis for this. Germany strongly endorses, as it gives researchers the chance to enjoy freedom of Ambitious realignment of the movement and academic findings, while tech- internationalisation strategy nologies will be freely exchanged. The action plan also outlines the shape of future coopera- On the basis of the action plan, the Strategy for tion agreements with developing and emerg- the Internationalisation of Science and Re- ing nations and explains how Germany can search launched in 2008 will be realigned and play a major role in solving global challenges.