They target children from broken homes; children who are withdrawn, troubled by their own sexuality, as in puberty; handicapped; or underprivileged homes. Then he showers them with gifts, exciting places, and expensive toys for them or something for their home. Then he makes them feel special, loved, and deserving of all the attention they are receiving. They target a child through the internet, neighborhood, malls, movies, etc. After they have made contact, they slowly gain the child’s trust and confidence; slowly leave the child with the belief that no one can understand them more, than the perpetrator. The pedophile will isolate the child from anyone that may take notice of their actions and behaviors, or that would protect the child. Slowly, and this may even take years, the pedophile will groom their victim by slowly brushing against the child or touching the child inappropriately. His advances continue until the child accepts this as normal. If it is a small child, they tell them it is their secret; or something bad will happen if they tell. A perpetrator confides in them, gaining their trust and secrets, threatening to expose the child if the child tells; thus the abuse continues until the perpetrator moves on or the child is in a safe free zone and can express what has happened to them. Usually this takes years to disclose, if ever, because of the fear, guilt of their body responding and shame of what has happened. The children are silenced by threats and fear! One factor that pedophiles cannot control is that all victims grow up and recall the events, usually in their twenties, thirties, and forties. At this time, the victims are so angered at the abuse, the betrayal, no one protecting them, and being victimized, that they tell to protect other children from being abused. New laws are being implemented across the nation for no statute of limitations and free DNA testing for all children of sexual assault. The truth is revealed eventually. As in any sexual assault cases, there are false claims, which are usually dismissed. False accusations are just as wrong as the pedophile who grooms and rapes children. The biggest thing you can do for your home, school, or community is to teach children how to protect themselves through programs like the Good/Touch Bad/Touch Program which is a fun, age appropriate skit for Pre-K – 6th grades, about this is my body, yell and tell; and keep telling until someone listens. Prevention is key to combating a multiple generational epidemic. Warning Signs Your Child May Have Been Abused: Many times parents, grandparents, school officials, family, and friends are confronted with a situation, such as child sexual assault, and they do not know how