somewhere of interest to your child, still pretending to be someone of the child’s age range. With social network profiles and smart phones ISP addresses, predators can easily find information about potential victims since many naive children list personal information with no regard for safety. Teens will post their jersey numbers, school photos, dance club photos, clubs they are in, school and church events, and things happening around the house, which makes it easy for a perpetrator to find their address of your home, their license plate number, where they hang out, if mom and dad are home, if they have siblings, and any information they need to fulfill they hidden agendas. Post placed on the internet travel fast worldwide, and may never be recovered, which will impact future jobs and college applications. Parents must be on guard to protect their families. It is better to have your child mad at you for snooping through their internet profiles and postings, than for them to go missing and never return home. There are many organizations and government agencies designed to assist parents with issues such as these. Internet searching for information will also provide many links and web sites to help. Predator Grooming • Chat Rooms (based on interest) • Look for child oriented screen names • Search through SN profiles • Strike up a conversation • Show interest and gain their trust • Build them up (be their friend) Predator Warning Signs • Spends a lot of time online • Find porn on the computer • Receive phone calls, mail, gifts from people you do not know • Withdraws from normal activity • Switches screen quickly (Alt+Tab) • Uses other accounts for e-mail or Instant Messaging Some Helpful Web Sites for More Information: http://www.fbi.gov/publications/pguide/pguidee.htm