FACSAFoundation.org Shattering The Silence Tour Documentary Project February 2015 Volume 3 | Page 86

DEB MAYBURY Deb Maybury Entrepreneur Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada 1. Harmony Integration, 2. Realistic Self Defense For Women, 3. Dradalm Promotions Where to read the first 100 pages of Unlock The Door: http://unlockthedoorbeyondsexualabuse.weebly.com/subscribe-… http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&fieldkeywords=DEB+MAYBURY+UNLOCK+THE+DOOR Unlock The Door illuminates thirty-nine stories of personal strength, courage and resiliency. The author vividly captures the traumatic and lifelong effects of sexual abuse in her in-depth interviews. Thirty-nine contributors1500 years of experience. [