FACSAFoundation.org Shattering The Silence Tour Documentary Project February 2015 Volume 3 | Page 49

pornography when you're not aware. Sin can be hidden just so long. When children see that parents view pornography, they believe such behavior is OK. Then we have yet another generation headed for heartbreak. 11. It causes shame and self-deprecation You cannot feel good about yourself when you are doing something you know is wrong. You have a conscience, and you will know you are doing something wrong when you view porn. That’s when self-loathing sets in and self-respect plummets. The good news Pornography addiction is curable. Anyone who wants to change can get help. For help battling pornography addiction, read "Taking the power away from porn — for good." Find hope as you rally with others working to "fight the new drug." Together, we can end pornography's reign and build a better future for our families.