Facebook Guide | Page 11


Facebook Secrets

- Images of humans (especially when smiling & making eye contact) drives conversion rates better than images of inanimate objects.

- Ask questions to increase engagement rates and get conversations going.

- Questions at the end of a post has a 15% higher engagement rate.

- Remember the 80/20 rule and keep to it for all social media strategies. 80% non-promotional, 20% promotional.

- You don’t need to post more than twice daily on Facebook, remember content is king. Quality over quantity wins on Facebook.

- Facebook peak times are 1pm, 3pm and 8pm. Post between the three and see when you are getting more engagement and tailor your strategy to how your community is responding.

- There are 8 Billion DAILY video views on Facebook alone – share your videos and reach higher engagement rates.

- Like & Comment on Facebook Pages similar to yours either in industry or opinion. It is a good way to building a new audience.

Just don't tell anyone we told you...