Eyes on Early Years Volume 19 | Page 5

Charlotte’s Blog Maybe some of you already know that I have gone back to studying myself. I started in April when I had my induction weekend. I recognised many things that we tell our students and it was funny to sit at the other end of the table and probably be feeling the same as most of our students feel on their first day - overwhelmed but at the same time excited about what is coming. After induction I had to start making myself familiar with the online system and where to find all the resources. One of the tips we received was to plan your studying, create time in your busy schedule. So I did, I planned everything, I looked at my schedule for work, personal life and studying. And I started…. Oh my…what was I doing? Everything took so much more time than I expected. I couldn’t keep up with my well-planned schedule because life just got in the way! Children who fall sick, busy schedule at work, being on my own during the holidays…maybe I could request an extension? On consideration I realised that I didn’t have any significant reason to ask for an extension as luckily nothing serious enough had happened. I gave myself a good talking to and continued with my studies. I looked at the time I had left to complete my assignment for my first module. I had to do it, no matter what. I wanted to do it which meant I had to make sure I got things done. After reading all my resources I started to write my assignment. I think that was the biggest hurdle, to start writing. I think I made up every excuse not to start! I managed to work my way through, with many late nights and lots of coffee. I submitted my work and then I had to wait …. I suspected I would have to re-submit but was still hoping for a miracle. The feedback arrived and I have to re-submit. However, my fail was not as bad as I thought it would be. The feedback is reasonable and I know where I went wrong. I will hopefully manage to submit before the deadline. To be continued…