Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 30 | Page 55

1 GET SMOOTHER SKIN Coconut oil is a key foundational ingredient to Grapefruit Peppermint scrub. Simply combine 3 / 4 cup room when combined with a few temperature coconut oil with 1 / 2 cup white sugar. Then add other natural ingredients. the zest of 1 grapefruit, 10 Simply mix coconut oil with drops of peppermint oil, 20 sea salt or sugar for a daily drops of grapefruit oil. Like exfoliator. While the salt or the daily scrub, the coconut oil sugar exfoliates the skin, the moisturizes while sugar helps coconut oil moisturizes. For exfoliate, and the grapefruit an even more invigorating and peppermint scents blend perfect for spring, try energize and uplift! make a wonderful exfoliator, this citrus-infused simple 2 PREVENT & REMOVE RUST ON HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Believe it or not, coconut oil can help prevent metal objects from rusting. Rust occurs when red iron oxide is formed, as a result of the chemical reaction that occurs when oxygen and an iron object is exposed to water or humidity in the air. Simply rubbing coconut oil on objects can prevent this corrosion 3 SOOTHE A SCRATCHY THROAT Some even use coconut oil as a natural throat soother. Coconut oil is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to alleviate pain and irritation. It also contains antimicrobial properties, which can help the immune system fight back against bacteria and viruses. Try swallowing one teaspoon up to three times daily to soothe a sore throat or a lingering cough. process, keeping garden tools, outdoor furniture, scissors, knives, children’s toys, or other rust-prone items in good working order. Allow coconut oil to sit for a couple hours, then wash off. Coconut oil can also help repair damage already done by rust. Try slicking the surface of the rusted item, for instance scissor blades, with coconut oil for an hour, then rinse with warm water. 4 SHARE WITH YOUR PETS Just like us, our pets can benefit from coconut oil. Cats suffering from furballs? Dogs eating leaves and anything else they can find in the grass? Both of these can lead to digestive complaints. According to PetMD, medium-chain fatty acids, such as those found in coconut oil, help with physical and digestive ailments because they are directly absorbed in the GI tract, then metabolized by the liver right away into utilizable energy. To avoid diarrhea, add coconut oil slowly into C e il ov I L ut O on oc the diet. Start by mixing a spoonful into your cat or dog’s dry food to support digestion. Coconut oil can also be applied topically to calm minor skin irritations. In addition, rubbing a small bit on the coat can help make fur shine! MORAL OF THE STORY: WE’RE PRETTY SURE YOU CAN USE COCONUT OIL FOR [ALMOST] ANYTHING. Vol 30 • Extraordinary Health ™ 53