Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 29 | Page 47

Mission Critical Post-Workout Recovery

By Don Saladino
I am very fortunate to have a number of competitive athletes among my clientele . When working with individual and especially team athletes — from golf , tennis , track and swim to football , baseball , soccer and hockey — I often see the same challenge . My clients struggle to get a meal in immediately after they exercise .
Mission-Critical Timeframe
The first 15 minutes following true exertion — whether it ’ s an intense workout , a game or even just a stressful life situation — should be considered as “ Mission Critical .” Immediately after your workout , or after you experience some physical and mental stress , your body is craving energy from carbohydrates to rebuild its glycogen stores . It ’ s craving amino acids from protein to build and repair damaged muscles as well as important co-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals . Your body is an efficient machine that wants to fast-track the process of replenishing muscles that have become depleted of these nutrients so they can rebuild — more efficiently , faster and stronger .
Yes , this period of time is critical to proper recovery from training . But it ’ s also a critical timeframe to help you recover from the day-to-day stress you put on your body . Remember , the more efficiently you recover , the better you will perform at everything you do — not just your workout . And that means we can all do more of the things we love .
Garden of Life ’ s Organic Plant-Based Recovery powder supports your body immediately after exertion in two ways ; first , it speeds up muscle recovery and second , it helps naturally reduce fatigue and soreness following exertion . †
Muscle Repair & Recovery
To accelerate muscle recovery after a workout , your muscles need glucose as a source of energy to repair and build new tissue but at a slower pace to sustain the repair over time . When you add protein to your glucose , your body gets this sustained release of energy . The optimal ratio of sugars to protein is 4:1 ( four grams of carbohydrate for every one gram of protein ).
Reduce Fatigue & Soreness
Reducing fatigue and soreness is accomplished by potent antioxidant polyphenols . † Antioxidants are the body ’ s frontline for defense against the free radicals released during heavy exertion . Those free radicals tear down your muscle ’ s tissue cells , and you can actually feel the tearing as muscle soreness . But antioxidants promote relaxation , restoration and comfort by fighting the free radicals .
Your body needs cellular energy in heightened amounts during recovery . When you workout , your body spends its reserves of magnesium and essential B vitamins , key nutrients your cells need to create energy ( called ATP energy ).
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration . This product is not intended to diagnose , treat , cure or prevent any disease .
Vol 29 • Extraordinary Health ™ 45