Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 29 | Page 41




EH Why are so many people taking pre-workout supplements ?
DS Listen , you wouldn ' t walk onto the road to run a marathon without preparation . The day of the race , or the big game , is the day that your hard work is supposed to shine through . What I tell my clients is that you have to adopt the same level of energy and preparation in your daily workouts . In short , you have to prepare to get the most out of your preparation . That starts with the basics of a healthy diet and plenty of real rest .
But let ’ s face facts ; keeping a consistently healthy diet and getting adequate rest on a daily basis are tough . If you ’ re one of the few people able to do both , you are way ahead of the game . On those days that you hit it just right , you can feel the benefits . You have more energy , and you can push yourself just a little harder . You stay focused throughout your workouts so you keep your form , your movements are cleaner and your results are just better .
The benefit you get from investing in preparation is the very reason people take a pre-workout supplement . We all want to improve both our performance and our alertness during training sessions so that we can get better results .
Pre-workout supplements don ’ t just help make up for what you missed in your diet and the focus you lost without proper rest . Even when you are well rested and eating well , an effective pre-workout supplement can give you the extra edge — the winning edge .
There ’ s a hidden benefit to investing in a pre-workout . Believe it or not , when you are better prepared before your workout , you will actually recover faster after your workout , and with less soreness . Preparing for your workout actually makes you ready to achieve your best — day in and day out . Who doesn ’ t want to achieve their best and get the most out of every workout ?
EH Ok , it sounds like I should take a pre-workout supplement ?
DS No — absolutely not . Not if it ’ s the stuff I ’ ve seen available on the market today . No way .
EH Wait a minute — you just told us that pre-workout supplements are a great idea . Why shouldn ’ t I be taking one ?
DS In the past , I ' ve had clients who have overdone pre-workout supplements . They purchased something that — in the beginning — made them feel great . They were performing at peak efficiency . Every workout was producing great results and their energy levels went through the roof .
Over time , though , I watched as the effects literally reversed . They became very jittery and irritable . Their sleep became poor and restless . They even found themselves getting sick more
Vol 29 • Extraordinary Health ™ 39