Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 29 | Page 31

During filming of Bad Moms Recording with Idena Menzel for Frozen .
EH “ Any challenges with getting the kids to eat clean ?”
KB “ I don ’ t give my kids meat with hormones , and we try to only eat organic . Beyond that , I get creative trying to make veggies as fun to eat as I can . We make smoothies , which is a great way for me to hide some kale and spinach in their diets . We ’ ll add chocolate hemp , pea protein powder and some berries so the whole thing tastes like a milkshake to them !”
EH “ What are some tried-and-true remedies you rely on to help keep your family healthy ?”
KB “ First and foremost , I pay a lot of attention to what we eat and make sure we have good food on our plates to keep our bodies strong . I try to stay ahead of sicknesses by making sure everyone is getting enough rest , even if that means being late to preschool or letting my kids sleep in a bit . We are pretty strict with bedtime so their systems can stay used to falling asleep overnight on cue . When we feel a cold coming on , my husband and I take oregano oil to help burn the germs away . I rub it on the soles of my kids ’ feet if I think they are getting sick . We aren ’ t obsessed with hand sanitizers , but during cold season we wash our hands a lot .”
EH “ After a long day on the set , what are some of your favorite ways to unwind or relieve stress ?”
KB “ The first thing I do after work to unwind is sit with my kids for a bit . I completely forget about what ’ s on my “ to-do ” list and just enjoy hearing about their day . I also like to play alongside them with dolls or Legos . Prioritizing this time after work every evening is a great reminder of what ’ s actually important . After the kids are in bed , my husband and I like to unwind by snuggling up and binge-watching TV . We love Game of Thrones !”
EH “ What ’ s the best thing about working with Ted Danson on The Good Place ?”
KB “ Ted is heaven to work with ! In theory , he seems intimidating because of his resume — but in real life he is a giggly goofball ! He cares about his work , but he cares even more about the people he works with . He ’ s kind and considerate to everyone , and he really makes me laugh . He ’ s definitely omeone to look up to !”
EH “ What are some of the charities , foundations or causes you support ?”
KB “ I work with No Kid Hungry , which connects kids in need with nutritious food . Many don ’ t know that one in five kids in America do not get the food they need , and No Kid Hungry is working to change that . I love visiting the schools we serve and seeing kids eating breakfast together with full bellies before getting ready to learn ! I also work with local Los Angeles nonprofits like Alliance of Moms and PATH . Alliance of Moms is a group of volunteer moms working to stop the intergenerational cycle of babies born to teens in foster care . PATH stands for people assisting the homeless , and they do exactly that . They help homeless families and individuals get on the right track with shelter , jobs , medical care and eventually assist them with moving into their own apartments . I also started a granola company a few years ago called THIS BAR SAVES LIVES . For every bar sold , we donate a lifesaving nutritional food packet to a child in need . For children with severe acute malnutrition , three packets a day for three months can be the difference between death and a thriving childhood .”
EH “ In 2017 , it looks like we ’ ll see more of you in the second season of The Good Place , the action comedy C . H . I . P . S . and Frozen 2 in theaters as well as a possible Broadway version . Is Frozen ’ s signature song “ Let It Go ” a mantra for your life ?
KB “ It is , because I believe a major part of being happy is the ability to get over your problems . Take responsibility and then let it go !”
Vol 29 • Extraordinary Health ™ 29