Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 27 | Page 41

Holistic fitness expert, trainer and Garden of Life brand advocate, Don Saladino is owner of Drive495, a state-of-the-art, golf and fitness training facility in New York. HERE ARE TEN EASY STEPS TO FOLLOW: 1. Eat Organic Foods 4. Water 7. Be Active on Your Off Days Organic foods have little to no chemicals. Turning to these will help with your overall vitality. This will help your recovery—a topic you’ll hear me discuss a lot. You don’t have to be perfect here, but aim for my 80/20 rule—80% of the week, follow the plan— 20% of the week, leave room for error. Follow this very simple formula. I want you to consume 50 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water per day. Just do the math. Depending on your activity level, you might need a little more. For those who sweat a lot due to strenuous activity, my trick is to have them add a pinch of Celtic sea salt to their water. This is one of the best ways to rehydrate the body without the junk that’s in many sports drinks. What I mean by active is get into a healthy environment—go for a walk barefoot on the beach, get into the sun, play with your dog or your kids. Just move. This is very restorative to the body, and I put a great deal of emphasis on recovery and wellness. 2. Meal Frequency This is something that a lot of people still can’t grasp: we don’t want to skip meals. Look at your metabolism as a campfire that you want burning as high as possible. We will accomplish this by feeding your metabolism firewood and sticks throughout the day. Skipping a meal is like forgetting to throw wood on the fire. So, an easy rule of thumb is to consume something every three hours. 3. Nothing White The general rule here is no white flour, white table salt or white sugar. These are all plain junk with no nutrients. This will not only work against your digestive system, but these foods are also useless energy for the body. If I’m putting something into my body, I want to make sure that it benefits my body. Even if it’s a cheat, I try to keep my cheats to whole foods that have nutrients in them. If you must have something less nutritious, just remember—moderation is key. 5. Start Your Day With a Probiotic The first thing I do when I wake up is take my Garden of Life® probiotic with about one-quarter of my daily water intake. Since starting this, I feel completely different. This gets my digestive system ready, and my energy level has gone through the roof. 6. Break a Sweat Regularly At a bare minimum, I recommend breaking a sweat four-to-five days a week for roughly 20 minutes. This is not a huge commitment, if you think about it. This could be a bodyweight circuit performed in your house—you just need to move. If you get bored easily, switch it up daily. One day perform a bodyweight workout, another day go paddle-boarding. Just be active. This does not have to look like Rocky climbing the mountain. If making all these changes seems like a struggle, give me 30 days. I guarantee success. You’ll realize that this is much easier than you think, and a very attainable wellness goal. 8. Breathe and Relax This is definitely the one I struggle with the most, but I never underestimate its importance. Try and relax or breathe ten minutes a day. Find a corner in your office, go sit on a park bench, put your cell phone down and take a moment to disconnect from society. 9. Sleep Seven-to-Nine Hours I would probably rate this as one of the most important points. It’s restorative for our hormone function, and it is one of the best ways to burn fat. And guess what—it’s free. 10. Limit Alcohol I am personally not a drinker, but I understand that people like to have an occasional alcoholic beverage and that’s fine. I would just recommend no more than three drinks a week. The body is not meant to consume alcohol, and rather than being concerned with the calories, I am more concerned with what it does to your hormones. If you are going to do it, I recommend a glass of wine (white or red) or a gluten-free option.