Extraordinary Health 25 | Page 8

Being a


Certified B Corporation
Garden of Life ® is proud to join a growing community of Certified B Corporations . From the very beginning , we ’ ve been on a single mission — Empowering Extraordinary Health ®. That purpose runs like a thread throughout our products , our consumer education , our charitable efforts and our company culture .
What is a Certified B Corporation ?
B Corporation is a new kind of corporate entity that ’ s legally allowed to consider social good when making business decisions ! As a B Corp you consider the community , employees and the social impact when making business decisions instead of just bottom line and top line benefits . B Corp certification looks at the business as a whole , with the goal of recognizing companies using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems .
Who “ Certifies ” B Corporations ?
B Lab is a nonprofit organization that certifies leading companies worldwide as “ B Corps .” This is the ONLY certification that covers the entire company ; it ’ s not a product certification or a facility certification , alone .
Who are the B Corporations ?
We ’ re honored to be part of a thriving and growing international community of Certified B Corporations in over 120 industries and 40 countries . We all share the same unifying goal : to redefine success in business . You can learn more about our certification , the B Corp movement and find a full listing of Certified B Corp companies at bcorporation . net .
Aligning Missions
We are the leading brand in natural products focused on true traceabilty though independent third-party certifications including Certified USDA Organic and Non-GMO Verified products . Becoming a B Corp was so appealing to us
VER since it ’ s a third-party certification for our whole company , not just our products . To undergo the process of certification , where every facet of our business is scrutinized to ensure we are walking the talk , is a very rigorous but rewarding process .
NON GMO Project
I FI E D nongmoproject . org