Exquisite Arts Magazine Vol 7: Fall Issue- Oct/2017 | Page 24

Art is a subjective form of expression. Everyone reading this magazine knows that and knows that art comes in all colours, shapes, sizes forms and the like. Over the course of the last hundred years or so, we have seen art begin to jump off the paper and into our streets in various forms. Visual art and performance art have begun to almost develop lives of their own and the artists who own these specific types have started to broadcast their art in curious, strange but bold ways to bring to light the messages they want to share. Once considered, like many things, to be an “Old Boy’s Club”, art has over the last century began to take hold in the hands of women who have been taking it to dizzying new highs when they pair their strong messages with the power of feminism. Jolted by the hippie movement of the 60s, female performance and visual artists have taken on these new assignments with gusto, being boldly in your face and doing things that were never done before, especially by women. So who are some of these bold, brave women who have brought us some of the most subversive, gripping art of today? Here are a handful whose work is more than worth checking out. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Eve Ensler, Writing Eve Ensler is best known for her extremely controversial work, The Vagina Monologues which was produced in 1996 at the HERE Arts Centre in New York City. In those days talking so candidly about women’s issues such as sexual assault, menstruation, sex work, genital mutilation and more were seen as things that just weren’t talked about as candidly as this play does. The play explores these themes and more in monologues run together episodically, with women from various backgrounds explaining their own issues and experiences of having had to deal with negativity surrounding the fact that they were born as women. Despite the fact that for the time, Ensler’s extremely powerful play received widespread criticism from not just male but also female critics, the play has raised awareness of various issues experienced by women throughout the world and has even started the global non-profit movement, V-Day which helps to raise awareness and money for women and girls in violent situations around the world that need assistance. Despite the mixed reviews and inherent good that has come from such a powerful piece at a time when these things were still being relatively swept under the rug, The Vagina Monologues now receives criticism over its clear lack of inclusiveness regarding transgendered women with some believing that the female gender now encompasses Page 23