Exquisite Arts Magazine Vol 3 - Nov/ Dec 2016 | Page 52

a corporate graphics person who created the covers of annual reports and dreamed up logos for industry. But sometimes the person we least recognize is ourselves. Others often see our talents with more clarity than we ever can. Is there anything else that you’d like to share with our audience? I have always felt the artist’s pull but I never followed it until the uncontrollable events of my life forced a decision. Was I going to lay in a bed and die or did I still have something to say, something to add to this collective experience we call life? When I made the decision to fight, to live each day as well as I could, then becoming an artist seemed to be my path back to some sort of meaning. Art has saved me. In my darkest moments, it gives me a reason to get up in the morning. It provides me with a purpose. My hope is others can find renewal in art as admirers or creators. Art is our most truthful form of communication and it is where people from very different backgrounds can connect. The most fundamental thing about being human is we are all moved by artistic expression. Only art can save us all. What are your creative goals for the future? CONTACT INFO: One of the coolest things about me being an artist is my complete lack of goals or expectations. I will give myself completely over to the process, do what is ever necessary to pay the bills and keep painting. I guess my goal is to wake up tomorrow. I don’t think much further out than that. Page 51 www.karenlandrigan.com [email protected] Twitter: LandriganArtist Facebook: Karen Landrigan Artist Tel: 281.650.4527