exploring_w01_grader_a1.doc (solution) Homework | Page 2

FILE tab , and then click Info , if necessary . Convert the document .
3 Check the document for spelling and grammatical
9.000 errors . The word ​Braeburn is not misspelled . The word whish should be​whisk . The word ​appples should be apples .
4 Identify a synonym for the word ​sprinkle in the last
8.000 sentence of the document . Insert the word ​dust in place of ​sprinkle .
5 Change the word ​dark to ​light​ in the third ingredient
9.000 line , so that the ingredient is light brown sugar . Add ​1 teaspoon apple pie spice​ between ​2 teaspoons ground cinnamon and​1 teaspoon baking soda .
6 Change the top and bottom margins to ​1.2 ” ​ . 8.000