Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 13 | August/September 2017 | Page 41

Second Plantings

By Barb Parcells

At this point in the gardening year, many people opt to do what is known as a second planting. This is the planting of a second batch of cool weather crops that do well as the mornings and evenings begin to turn chilly, perhaps even withstanding a light frost. Cool weather crops include: lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts, to name a few. For those who love to garden, it’s a refreshing return to the start of the process; generating even more fresh, local food, and diversifying that food as well.

Second plantings are opportunities we may have overlooked. So are second chances. Sometimes we don’t realize that we can have a second chance to enjoy the things we believed we had to give up in order to grow up, or that we never pursued because it wasn’t high enough on our priority list. Perhaps we used to love to dabble in art, but gave it up to get a “real job.” e enjoyed singing in the choral group at school, but gave up the idea of singing to raise a family. Watching in envy as our daughters took dance lessons, feeling the music speak to our feet and our souls.

Here is the good news: the music is still playing if you just take the time to listen. Now is a great time to plant some new seeds. You’re not in the dead of winter yet! If you miss art, pick up some inexpensive art supplies. . Check your local library or community college to see if they offer beginner art classes. If you love to sing, (sing!) and check your local area for a church or choral group that could use another voice. No harm in planting that seed. And Love to dance? While searching for art classes, look for a beginner dance class as well. Scatter those seeds anywhere and everywhere that feels right to you!

Remember that it is never too late to bloom.. As any gardener will tell you, some seeds will take root and grow, others won’t germinate. However, you won’t know if you don’t try. You just never know what might come up!