Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 13 | August/September 2017 | Page 39

As a child, I was the queen of do-overs whenever something did not go as planned. I would call out “do over” and try again. Did you also use a do-over or time out mantra as a child?

Adulting is tough. There are no instructions. There is no one-size-fits-all. There is no easy peasy synopsis on how to be an adult. We all experience ups and downs. As adults, do we allow ourselves “do overs”?

I say, what is the big deal, if you allow yourself to accept a mistake or an opportunity that did not go as planned and simply say “do over”? Nothing bad is going to happen; unless you allow your inner critic ego to condemn and judge you. (We tend to be much more harsh on ourselves than anyone else would be). This is accepting the essence of growth as well as allowing you to move along your path. No one's path is the same and everyone is here to experience something that may be different from one another. Yet, there are similarities upon which we will also experience together. In the grand scheme of things are we really that different? My opinion is no; we are not that different and all have similar desires: love, allowance and acceptance. The preface to a deep inner love, self-love and self care.

Let's ponder a do-over as a deep loving gesture to yourSelf. When you let go of expectations you are better able to be in your own flow. This is what is best for you. However, sometimes things do not go as planned: you're driving along and pop a flat tire or an unexpected expense/situation that arises. These are all precious life experiences. When you are in the throttle of a more intense life experience, do you care for yourself with a do-over or a timeout?

Adult Do Overs:

~Take a nap. This is a gentle way of reconnecting with yourSelf and allowing yourself the opportunity to let go of the outcome and try again.

~Sip a favorite beverage. This could be a glass of wine, beer or a cup of tea. Take the drinking cup, wrap your fingers and hands around it as you hold this near your heart. Inhale and exhale. Then bring this to your lips and allow the gentle liquid to flow down your esophagus. Taking 15-20 minutes to enjoy your favorite beverage is a great do-over moment to let go, release the expectation and try again.

~Write it out. Writing in a journal or on a blank piece of paper can help you let go of what is happening or help you process, eliminate, and add clarity to your concern.

~Color/Paint. There are many different ways: mandalas, coloring book, free form.

~Meditate. Meditation can be 5 minutes or 30 minutes long. You may wish to sit in silence or follow a guided meditation which helps connect you to your Higher Self.

~Enjoy nature. Sit or walk in nature. Nature has a beautiful way to connect with your Higher Self. This gives you a wonderful way to give it another attempt.

Adult Do Overs help you to step back and regain your footing and thoughts. Your do over is specifically for you. Take the time and space that you need and enjoy creating a way for you to reconnect with the present. This is a great way to be in the present moment, let go of expected outcomes and flow into more confidence.

By Natasha Botkin