Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 13 | August/September 2017 | Page 30

What’s Ready

Got To Do With It?

As a health coach, I sometimes hear women say: “I would love to improve my health but I don’t feel ready yet, maybe next week/month/year.”

We all feel like that sometimes. I feel like that sometimes. Even the most motivated people experience moments of “I don’t feel like it now”. But those feelings do not have to dictate your actions.

Here is why; one of the things that women who let their feelings of unreadiness dictate their actions experience, is regret. They long to have a life filled with energy, radiance, health, support, joy, pleasure and love but can’t bring themselves to make the healthy choices that will lead them there. They feel like they are their worse saboteur when it comes to having the life of their dreams.

A few years ago a young woman who suffered from digestive problems came to see me for a consultation. I could see she really wanted to sign up for my six month program but kept saying “I want to do it, but maybe in a few months, I’m not ready yet.” And I told her: “don’t wait until you feel ready, do it now.” She did my program, healed her digestive issues, went on to study yoga and became a successful yoga teacher and a dear friend. She told me that what I said to her that day changed her life, that she was always waiting. Waiting to feel ready. Waiting for when the time was right. Waiting for the moment that never came. Making the decision to stop waiting until it feels right and to act anyway, made it possible for her to pursue her dream of becoming a yoga teacher.

Think about the things that really matter to you in different areas of your life:








Make a ‘want’ list of all the things you would like to have.

For example:

I want to wake up each morning full of energy.

I want to feel good about my body.

I want to go to Italy for a dream vacation.

I want to spend more time with my girlfriends.

I want my home to be a sanctuary of peace and harmony.

This want list is important. It is your heart speaking to you and telling you what you need to make your life happy, joyful, and healthy. It is your road map to your dreams. Listen to your heart. Don’t worry about being realistic, allow your wants to be expressed. Make that list.

By Rachel Kieffer

30 | ElementsForAHealthierLife.com | August/September 2017