Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 13 | August/September 2017 | Page 11

An airplane has caught the attention of my two grandsons (1 and 2 ½ years of age). They hop off of the outdoor toys they are riding, approach the deck railing, and point to the sky. My attention is in the other direction and wondering what glorified events will transpire during the time of the eclipse. Okay. Not really. I’ve never been one for the hype.

What interests me is being of service, living compassionately, and helping others to navigate this adventure we call life. It is an honor to share with you the five elements - workplace, relationships, body movement, spirituality and in the kitchen - for a healthier life in this collection of wisdom and personal stories of personal transformation. You can now print the healthy recipes featured in this issue from the UnBox Your Kitchen section of ElementsForAHealthierLife.com.

Today, may you be blessed to experience life’s innocence of a toddler. Life is an amazing adventure; it was never intended to be lived in gray-scale.