Elements For A Healthier Life Magazine Issue 12 | April/May/June 2017 | Page 26

By Rachel Kieffer

Steps To Let Go

Of Unhealthy Patterns

You know that excitement you feel when you start a new health program. You are motivated and committed. You look forward to the healthy new you. But if you are like most women, after a little while, your old patterns start coming back and make you feel discouraged and defeated. Here are 4 steps to let them go, for good!


Bless your patterns and thank them.

They will put up less of a fight if you release them with love. Those patterns were created a long time ago as a defense mechanism, so thank them and acknowledge the fact that they helped you when you needed them most. It might l be helpful to write them a letter considering all of the ways they helped you cope and let them know you will be ok without them. Think of it as saying good bye to a dear friend that is moving far away.


Feel the pain.

The patterns you are trying to release may have been created due to a painful experience. In the process of releasing them, you may experience that pain again. This is when a lot of women give up. please remember that the pain is not about something that is happening now but about something that happened a long time ago. You are feeling it because you are ready to heal and release it.

Give yourself a mental hug and surround yourself with tenderness and support as you are going through this necessary healing process.